Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's Moving Day Once More

Yeah, we're either brave or stupid.
Today is supposed to be our big day. It doesn't feel like it, because we've been on a roller coaster of a ride for two weeks now with a "whole 'notha situation", plus Jarrod is working in 100°+ weather this week, I'm working EARLY mornings (today I went in at 4:30am), the kids are going to VBS...
You just do what you hav-ta do.
Jarrod and I (even the kiddos) could really use a vacation. We just don't get to take them. I must admit I am jealous of families who can get away every year to relax and refresh. My prayer is that this move will eventually allow us to experience that on a regular basis. Until then:
Thanks God, for my life. You've given me everything I need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Address

Hello all. I'm in a big hurry, but I want to let you know our new address as of July 1, 2009.
600 SW 24th
Newton, KS
We'll be VERY crazy busy for the next two weeks, so I probably won't be on here until we get settled out in the country.
Three things I am soooooooo looking forward to:

2. SPACE!!
3. QUIET!!!
Hmmm, can you tell I'm an introvert? No more revving up engines outside my windows all hours of the day and night. No more SHARING a single driveway with 6 other cars!! No more cops zipping by on 1st. St. at 50mph! No more train whistles causing my teeth to itch.

Space, glorious SPACE!!
Ok, I need to get ready for church now. Bye for now.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Write When I'm Heavy-Hearted

Well, this is a not-so-fun-post. It's been a hard couple of days. There is a pastor/friend of our church who just this last week had to resign because of an affair with his Admin. Assist. He leaves a wife and 2 children shipwrecked.

Then today I opened a message on Facebook to find out that the marriage of two dear friends of ours whom we traveled with in Life Action is ending. Why? A homosexual affair that has gone on for 11 years was found out; he is a worship pastor. He leaves a wife and 5 children shipwrecked.

Believe me, these are only two out of umpteen families that I know have fallen apart. But it's two in ONE WEEK!

If you think for one second that you are immune, shame on you.

If I think for one second that Jarrod and I are immune, shame on ME!!

Do we REALLY not believe that Satan is prowling around, devouring Christ-followers? Is anyone as sick and tired and mad as I am that we constantly fall for the lies from the Enemy?

It doesn't happen "all of a sudden". It happens when for ONE MOMENT you let your guard down and tell yourself, "It's no biggie." Then multiply those "moments" and you're toast.

Last night Jarrod and I realized that WE need to reinforce the hedges around our relationship. He's the Student Pastor at our church. I'm on the Worship Team. What areas have even a tiny crack that needs repairing? How can we 24/7 have eachothers' backs??

This man that I am married to means more to me than any other person on the face of this earth! And my three kiddos are right behind my hubby! I NEVER want to shipwreck them!

Jesus, be the center.