Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today I...

On my Blessed Day Off I...
  • Baked hamburger buns for our "Green Chile Cheeseburgers" tonight.

  • Sewed up a clothespin bag (so easy, and so needed)

  • Baked Whole Wheat Bread, which looks like it's gonna be hard as a rock...too much wheat flour or it's too old

  • Watched old "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeannie" on hulu.com while I clean/sew/bake.

  • Hung clothes on the line on this beautiful day, but one line fell down. boo hoo.

  • Played a couple rounds of "WordWhomp" while I ate my lunch. Was craving Beenie Weenies, but had to sub the weenies for leftover meatballs. Not too bad.

  • Need to change into nicer clothes to pick up the kids and take them for eye appts.

  • Need to call and wish my Dad a "Happy 62nd Birthday"!

  • Talked to Jarrod as he was going from one construction job to another.


Bekah said...

Green Chili Cheeseburgers? You must share that recipe! Sounds YUMM-O!

Aaron and Sara said...

hi melissa! Its been awhile since i've posted anything. I really resonate with some of your comments. Especially about "what on earthy are we here for" type questions. Its nice to know I'm not alone in that (even on the other side of the world). I don't think you ever escape those questions or feelings. Bless you.

Becky said...

Your buns look great!?! Oh, you know what I mean!!!! The hamburger buns!!! You are quite the susie homemaker these days! How's your chickens? I love to watch bewitched also. It comes on everyday on WGN at 2pm EST, and as an added bonus, at 2:30pm also! Yea! Hey, you should post the recipe for your green chile cheeseburgers- they sound great. And, post a pic as well! See ya, Susie!