Thursday, November 13, 2008

7 Things About Me You May (or may not) Want to Know

Why not? It's just for the heck of it.

#1- I can't stand to hear people clipping their fingernails.

#2- I love to have my ears rubbed.

#3- I talk to myself...a lot!! Complete conversations. Ask Jarrod.

#4- I think any type of fish is disgusting...even tuna fish.

#5- Today I splurged and bought a Chocolate Malt from Braum's. wowsa!

#6- I play a lot of WordWhomp.

#7- If the UNM Lobos and KU Jayhawks ever played against eachother (HA!) I'd have to go for the Lobos. Sorry, J.


Morgen said...

oh, your #1 is a definite no-no--and occasionally eric does it and it drives me crazy!

Becky said...

I love this kind of potporri-type information about people! thanks for sharing- What is Word Whomp?!?

laujones said...

We really miss Braum's, too. We used to get in on our way to TN to see our kids. Now they live here.

laujones said...

We really miss Braums. We used to stop there on our way to TN, to see our kids. Now they live here.

AfricaBleu said...

I hate when my husband leaves those clippings laying around--I have seriously considered putting him in the stocks for that one and encouraging other grossed-out citizens to pelt him with his own nail-bits. Ick.

I ALWAYS ask for chocolate. And malt--never shake.

I talk to myself, too. Have you ever caught yourself doing it in public and begun singing to cover it up, like you weren't really talking, just at the rap section of "How Great Thou Art?"

I once made Shannon C. cry because she has a phobia about fish and I talked her into eating some tuna fish on a cracker. She took one bite and burst into tears. It is one of those special moments I bring up every week or so.

And like Becky, I too would like you to explain the "Word Whomp" phenomena.